World reseach development for
The very best date Palms
To Cambodia.

About Us

Dates and Date Palms are and have always been the pride of our world countries. C.D.P.D Co., Ltd. (Cambodia Date Palm Development) We have equally great pleasure and are proud to be one of the leading suppliers of high quality "Tissue Cultured" date palm plants.

C.D.P.D is based in Siem Reap, one of the one forming the Kingdom of Cambodia. We are into the production, management and selling of "Tissue Cultured Date Palm Plants"

Our specialization is in the production of high quality (female) date palm plants which have been propagated (spelling) through the technique of "Tissue Culture" and special variety of male date palm yielding the highest & best quality of dates. These plants have been produced in the world laboratories in close collaboration with international company who have been in this field since many years and have successfully researched for the development and production of date palms. Our company's reliable, well controlled system generate commercial quantities of high quality, genetically uniform plants of the most select and desirable varieties.

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